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Elbaz joins a long list of christian louboutin uk designers who collaborated with the French house: Tsumori Chisato, Christian Louboutin, John Galliano, Marni, Christian Lacroix, Alexis Mabille, Sonia red bottom boots Rykiel and Chantal Thomass.SHOP TALK: Valentinor17;s creative directors Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli joined fashion designers including Azzedine christian louboutin outlet store Ala?a, Christian Louboutin and Roger Vivierr17;s Bruno Frisoni at the Schiaparelli show on Monday. r0;We believe in couture, so authentic christian louboutin outlet we think itr17;s important to support the couture week,r1; Chiuri said.She noted Valentino recently opened a new atelier in christian louboutin Rome, its third, dedicated to couture for men and turning out such luxurious items as double-faced cashmere coats. r0;We believe in one-of-a-kind,r1; she said, noting Valentino employs 70 seamstresses in couture.
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